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PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:23 pm
by Kirahfaye
Jun Planning might be the end of my doll budget. First I find the Ai babies and now .... J-Dolls! I'm trying to keep a tight grip on what is in my Paypal so I can get my MNF Lishe a new face-up, but it's HARD with these littles!

Does anyone here have any J-Dolls or know about their quality and such?

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:51 am
by quidam
I just purchased my first one yesterday at Tuesday Morning. I'm not normally into the fashion 1/6 scale, but I adore her!
Quality-wise she seems to be very well made and there is a lot of attention to detail. She has nice jointing and can sit fairly naturally. She even has an upper arm joint, which was surprising.She has 2 torso joints. The one in the pelvis swivels to turn her, while the one in her bust helps her bend, so she can take on a nice slouch of you want. The wrist and ankle joints only pivot up and down, but since both the arm and leg can turn, it makes up for the mobility there.

The clothes are also very well made with lots of attention to detail. Her face paint was perfect and very natural. Her eyes, which I don't know if they are glass or acrylic, are lined up perfectly.

The packaging is very, very secure. It took me a good 15 minutes to get her and all of her pieces out. Her limbs were very well wrapped. I think breakage out of the box would be rare. The only annoyance there was that they wrapped her legs, then put her stockings and shoes on, which made it a pain to get everything off to remove the wrap in my girl's case, as she had ankle straps on her shoes and everything became too tight. I thought for certain I was going to snap her ankle trying to remove her dang shoes!

The one downside I can see is that she seems a bit delicate. I've read online that they can break a bit easily, especially at the wrists and ankles. So, they may be a bit more towards display and maybe very gentle play.

Like I said, this isn't the scale I normally like, but I don't regret getting her for a moment! And, if you have a Tuesday Morning near you, check it out to see if they have any. I got her for only $20.

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:10 pm
by Kirahfaye
Tuesday Morning, huh? I'm in between two of them, though neither are what you'd call "close". I think I'll give them a call and see if they have any of them.

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:05 pm
by Mary Kathryn
I bought..uh....four last month at Tuesday Morning. The bad points first. I don't care for the wigs. They're very plasticky. Basically it's the same fiber they use for Pullip wigs. The body feels fragile to me after Obitsus, resin 1/6es and Barbies. The body is a modified (or possibly the same?) Pullip body. The knees aren't exactly the same as my two Pullips. They're skinny but with big hips so finding clothes that fit properly could be a challenge. The good points: Their faces are adorable. They have good posability. The outfits they come in are super well made.
I like them overall and if you see one that tickles your fancy I say go for it!

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:18 pm
by Kirahfaye
Do you think they could be hybridized with another body?

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:42 am
by claws
I ordered two a few days ago and I'm just (im)patiently waiting for them right now. I got the Rue de Belleville and Takeshita St. I read a lot of reviews about them before I bought them and, as everyone is saying here, the reviewers said that their hair is bad and that they're very fragile. They said that some were made with Pullip type 3 bodies, while others had the better type 4 bodies. (I think both of mine are type 4, but I guess I'll find out)
I found a tutorial where someone managed to remove the hair of one of hers and replace it with a Monique wig, and I've also seen some images with Obitsu bodies and J Doll heads. I think there's just a whole bunch of sites with similar questions and tutorials (I just Googled "j doll obitsu" and a bunch of sites came up!) The only bad thing about that is that her cute clothes probably wouldn't fit a 27cm Obitsu body. Maybe a 25cm body? :/
I hope you get one! I'm so excited for mine! :D

Oh, yeah, if you ever order one online go to Ebay or Amazon! The Rue de Belleville I bought, for instance, cost me $34.99 at Amazon, but was $130 at shops like YesAsia and Hobby Link Japan, and a couple others were charging that much as well. That's without shipping, too! :cry:

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 10:13 am
by Kirahfaye
Hmmmm - I was looking to play with her (redress, pose), so maybe J-Doll's fragile body won't work. :?

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:28 pm
by Mary Kathryn
Yeah, all of my gals were made in 2010 I think so probably an older body type. A plastic peg holds the foot onto the leg. If that breaks I'm probably going to replace it with a metal pin of some sort.
claws is right. Looks like with a bit of work changing the body out is possible. This flickr stream shows the ins and outs of it.

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:44 am
by Lamia of the Dark
I own a J-doll... she doesn't pose anywhere near as well as a Volks or Obitsu, wig quality is terrible, factory faceup is meh...

The outfit is amazing but the doll itself isn't that great.

Re: J-Dolls

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:14 am
by Kirahfaye
Huh, I assumed that these dolls would have the same level of quality in body and posability that the Ai kiddies do. I'm glad I asked before just buying one first.

This flickr stream shows the ins and outs of it.

I am probably just inept, but I followed a similar set of instructions to put a mini Pullip head on a baby Obitsu body and ruined the Pullip because I couldn't even get her back on her old body when the hybridization attempt didn't work for me..... :roll:

I've also been considering Integrity dolls, but I'll start another thread for them later.