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Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:40 pm
by landwhale
I'm not generally a fan of twin dolls but they seem to crop up. (I have my RS Li and Wu as twins)

Meet Anna Drew Corbitt (she goes by Drew) and Allen Phillip Corbitt.


They are 13 turning 14. Drew is older by 37 minutes and is privately rueful that although both are small and slight, her brother has grown a bit taller than her in the last few months. However, she loves him fiercely and stands up against ppl who bully him. She likes butterflies and has a thing for pumpkin pie. In general, she's a sweet girl who enjoys helping out where she can. She's not a tomboy in that she is quite girly but she is the leader on adventuring trips.

Allen is quiet and shy. He can most often be found curled up with a book if he is not out adventuring with Drew. Even then, he will bring a book along. His favorite foods are desserts, but he will always give his slice of pumpkin pie to Drew.


Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 7:59 am
by Gift_in_Edge
Aw! They look so charming~

Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 8:44 am
by Sorean
I love twin dolls~ These two are so sweet.

Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:38 am
by richila
Drew and Allen are cuties!

Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:46 am
by Evelien
Oh, they are adorable!! I'd love to see these featured in a photostory! :D

Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 10:59 am
by AlmySidaKay
So cute! <3

Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 1:24 pm
by landwhale
Thanks everyone! Drew and Allen are happy that they are so well received. I will try to do a photostory. Be forewarned though that some things may happen that will make you sad. Their lives...have kind of been plotted out a bit already.

Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:35 pm
by Mary Kathryn
They're adorable. If there are some sad things at least they have each other!

Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:26 pm
by Dark Angel
Aaaw, aren't they sweet! I really like the color of their eyes.

Re: Meet the twins!

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:29 pm
by JanetT
Awwww... They are very cute.

I don't mind stories with sadness (or darkness) in them -- so long as the characters have hope and strive for better. You need conflict and adversity for plot, after all.

What dolls are they?