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New girl, GEM of Doll snowy!

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 12:31 pm
by Shyla
I decided to give Viridia a second shell, and found an Resinsoul Ai body for cheap, but very yellow, and got a gem of doll snowy head for it!

She's been here about a week.

Blank head

First face up and temp wig

V 2.0 and V 1.0

Second face up, better wig

And cute couple


I feel kinda bad, she's so pretty, and as hard as I'm trying i'm not really doing either of my girls justice with my face up skills. I'm not giving up though! I'm looking for make up tutorials, since i'm not good with that and the yao's going to be a practice head for a while. I really think its just more practice is needed! (and some better paint, pastels = good, pencils = good, paint = cheap)

Ciero is fine, his is great! I love his! the bottom lashes are a bit thick... but he looks awesome. Everytime I get discouraged, i look at his.

(critiques for the girl's faceups would be appreciated)

Re: New girl, GEM of Doll snowy!

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 5:02 pm
by Dark Angel
Oh my goodness! I love her teeth! So cute!

As for faceups... I'm not the person to ask! Lol. I'm still having issues with them too. But I find that REALLY taking your time, helps. No fast face ups! Also, pastels are the best! I'm trying to stay away from paint because it's the hardest for me to use. It's harder for me to paint straight lines than it is for me to draw them with pencil.

Keep going, you'll get it the way you want eventually!

Re: New girl, GEM of Doll snowy!

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:54 am
by Shyla
Thank you!

I'd stick to pencils and pastels, but her teeth are so tiny, the only way to get her mouth is with paint!

I am very tempted to get an airbrush so I have the time to take my time. The humidity down here is baaaaaad and i'm a night person, blergh. I'd probably get better results if i could get sleep, but the best times to spray require some sleep deprivation. :?