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Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:21 pm
by cirquemom
It's okay to post "other than BJDs" here, right?
Anyway- I've always loved these Sasha Dolls. They came out just as I was going into high school- so not buying dolls anymore. Also they were too pricey- I never could have afforded one. But I always really liked them.
Anyway- suddenly for some reason I decided I had to have one, so I snagged one off of ebay. She came nude and no box. She is a Trendon Sasha, meaning made in England, probably in the 1980s.
She is 16 inches tall. It's a little strange dealing with a doll that can't bend her elbows or knees, though!

Sweet painted on face. I love her enigmatic expression. Apparently designed that way on purpose. Also the dark skin tone was on purpose, so children of all or at least most races could identify with her.


Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:09 pm
by Greyhaunt
What an odd doll. I've never seen one of them before. Cool that you finally got one though :)

Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:40 pm
by cirquemom
Kind of an interesting story: They were originally designed and made by a Swiss artist, Sasha Morgenthaler in her art studio. The were orginally made of I think cloth and "gypsum", whatever the heck that is (maybe like composition or something?). Being handmade they were super-expensive, though. So she decided to produce a line of plastic (vinyl) ones that were affordable. First they were made in Germany (from 1965 until 1968). After that, they were made in England (that's what mine is, they are known as "Trendon Sashas" because that's where the factory was) from 1966 until 1986. Then back to Germany from1995 until 2001. After that the design/molds were sold to an American Company but they were never produced.
"Affordable" is a matter of perspective. They would have been wayyyy too expensive for me when I was a little girl! I remember seeing them as a young adult (like in my 20s) and they were over $100 even back then. So....yes "affordable" if your parents happened to be wealthy.
However- again- expensive is a matter of perspective. I paid under $100 for her (I think she was about $80 or so- then with shipping and tax it was just about $100)- which in BJD land is cheap!

Just like BJDs, Sasha has fans all over the world and they all seem to know each other. There is a Sasha Festival every year- last year it was in England, and in 2010 it was in San Francisco (Drat!). If you get one of the early German models from the 1960s that is in mint condition you can pay over $5000 for it, so they are definitely collectable.

Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:56 pm
by Nella
I'd heard about this dolls before but never seen any pictures. She's quite pretty. Cost really is relative with dolls but under 100 sounds like a great price for her. :)

Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:27 pm
by cirquemom
Thanks! And also- she is a strung doll, which makes posing a bit better than a regular doll.

Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:06 am
by Lamia of the Dark
Hmm... she is cute but a bit odd-looking. I haven't seen a doll quite like that before.

Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:41 am
by absynthe1972
I think she's cute! I love her outfit.

Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:16 am
by zirconmermaid
I have a lovely brunette one, got her a LONG time ago. I should bring her out and photograph her here for you. Gypsum is essentially plaster. It's also what the "Mary the doll" head you sent Gerald to mold is made out of.

Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:23 am
by Lif
Never ever seen one tho The Netherlands is right between England and Germany from which this doll was seemingly traveling to various places of "birth". Shes a bit of an odd girl but shes quit cute in her own little way :)

Re: Sasha Doll

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:16 pm
by cirquemom
Thanks Lif - I wondered if you had ever seen one (or owned one) since you live in Europe and they were really more popular here. Even though they were "reasonably priced" - that was compared to the hand-made artist dolls. They were still pretty pricey!
I think they're really charming. Zircon- I would love to see yours- where did you get her? And I have found out they have a big Sasha Festival every year with about 125 people attending from all over. This year it is in Cincinnati.