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Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 12/04!!

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.5 3/22

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:51 pm

I'm enjoying this :)
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.6 3/29

Postby she_flame » Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:41 am

Part seven is up!
"Learning new"

The journey proceeded to North, and still every day was warmer than next. Spring was coming soon.

Even if the evening sun was warm, night would be cold – Chandira had learned that quickly. She looked around, small outcrop was deserted enough. “I’d say we can camp here for the night”, she said, looking at the elf behind her. “As good place as any.”

"Are you sure, Chandira? Remember what I told you about picking out a campsite."

Chandira sighed and flopped to the ground. “There is a clean water near-by, and I don’t think that there are any wild animals close. And you said earlier, that there hasn’t been any tracks of orcs or satyrs”, she recited. “And I really don’t see, why I have to learn to survive alone in the forest, I am not going to keep wandering like this after we get my message back.”

"You need to know at least the basics. You can’t rely that I am always with you", elf said quietly.

"Yes, Shala. I know", Chandira agreed, and looked Shalunia. "How did I do with my pick? Can we camp here?"

The elf nodded. “As you said, this place is as good as any.”

Chandira patted the ground besides her. “Then sit down, and rest.” She smiled. “We both need some rest, not only me.”

Shalunia shook her head. “I have secure the surroundings, to make sure that we can have uninterrupted rest.”

"Oh, really?" Chandira moaned. "I was so sure I did well."

"You did, girl. But I want to be sure."

Shalunia hesitated a moment, and then took Chandira’s hand. “I want you to be safe.”

Chandira looked at their hands – Shalunia’s rough and callused and her own soft skinned and so white. “…Safe”, she whispered. Shalunia let her hand go, and got up on to her feet.

"Shalunia, I -" Chandira started.

But the elf was already walking away.

Chandira sighed as she lay down. For someone who had lived hundreds of years, Shalunia could really be impatient.

"I should get up, and start a fire. We need to eat something", Chandira thought. "And hot tea would -"

"Chandira! Quickly, here!"

"Shalunia!" she gasped. "Something is wrong!" Chandira scrambled up as quickly as she could.

Shalunia wasn’t that far away, and Chandira ran towards the elf, sure that something horrible had happened. Why else the cautious warrior would bellow out like that…

Shalunia was kneeling, as Chandira got to her.

"What- is wrong?" she panted.

"We need your healing skills, girl", elf replied, pointing little green-and-yellow shape.

"What – or who – is that?"

"She’s a daughter of Cenarius, "a dryad" humans would call her", Shalunia replied.

"Is she alive?" Chandira whispered.

"I think she is alive. I heard her moan, that’s what alerted me to notice her."

And with that, Shalunia jumped down and lowered herself next to the small being.

"Be careful!" Chandira cried.

Shalunia nodded, and picked the dryad up. Elf’s movements were unusually careful and gentle.

"How is she? Bring her here, I want to see", Chandira called, as Shalunia stood up. "Is she injured?"

Shalunia looked the bundle in her arms. “She’s unconscious, but I can see no injuries.”

Chandira smiled. “Thank the Light!”

She didn’t know why Shalunia was wanting to help the little creature, but she trusted her.

Shalunia climbed up. Chandira moved towards her, to take a closer look.

"Let’s go back to the camp site", Shalunia said. "You need still to see why she’s unconscious."

"Yes, I need to do that, but-"

"No buts, girl." Shalunia began to walk, without looking back. "Come now. She is needing you."

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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.7 4/27

Postby Trethowan » Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:33 am

Very nice, I love the settings. I'm finally caught up, too. (slow Treth is sloooowwww)
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.7 4/27

Postby she_flame » Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:05 pm

Trethowan, thanks. I have used quite much time to find good looking locations to take photoshoots.
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.7 4/27

Postby Eseme » Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:19 am

Your locations are excellent! I love the rocks, very good looking. Your location scouting paid off!

Great story, and I am curious about the new character.

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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.7 4/27

Postby she_flame » Mon May 05, 2014 9:59 pm

Sorry about Shalunia's boring poses. Try to endure.


Part eight: Parting ways

The night passed, and the little dryad got feverish. Chandira did what she could, but without any medicines, that wasn’t much. Shalunia promised to watch over the little thing as Chandira slept.

Next morning came. As Chandira woke, Shalunia was already up.

"Good morning, Shala. How is the little one?" she asked.

"She still has fever", elf replied, nodding towards sleeping dryad.

"And that is something we have to talk about, Chandira", Shalunia continued. "We can not travel with her being unconscious and sick, and we have no time to wait her to heal. And time is of the essence on getting your letter back."

"Surely you are not saying that we should just leave her here?" Chandira had to ask, even if she didn’t thought that her friend would abandon helpless creature like that.

Shalunia smile wry smile. “No. We will take care of her. We-“

"No, no hurting light, no!" Wailing of little dryad interrupted Shalunia.

Chandira and Shalunia both turned to look the dryad, who shakily sat up.

"Are you alright, little one? Did you had a bad dream" Chandira asked. "Can you tell what are you doing here alone?" Shalunia demanded at the same time.

"Want water and food! No talk!"

Shalunia shook her head. “Can you tell us anything, little cousin?”

"Need water. Thirsty!" she wailed.

"She seems to be better – at least she is not delirious anymore!" Chandira said, trying not to smile.

"Not delirious! No! Tired, thirsty, hungry!"

"You will get food and water. But if you are tired, you should get more rest", Shalunia said, glaring Chandira, who couldn’t suppress giggles anymore.

"Sleep good! But no now. Not yet, sentinel. Water."

Chandira poured a cup of water and gave it to the dryad. “Here you go, little one”

Dryad took the cup and drank deep. “Cold water. Good. Now sleep?”

"Yes, you can go back to sleep, but could you tell us your name? I am called Chandira, and sentinel here is Shalunia", Chandira told.

"Shalunia, Chandira", dryad repeated, as she snuggled into Shalunia’s furs. "I called Fanella of Lauhging sisters."

And with that the dryad dozed off.

"She’s so awfully young to be alone", Shalunia said quietly. "Wonder that she’s alive at all."

Chandira looked the sleeping child. “Thank the Light we found her.”

"Yes", Shalunia nodded, and looked at Chandira. "Listen. Chandira, if we want to take care of her and get your letter back, we should split up. You and Fanella stay here, and I’ll go and get the letter back. I’ll be back in two days, three at most."

Chandira stared the elf. “What if anything happens? Like wild animals attack, or some evil finds us?”

"Then you have to be brave, and survive on your own. I trust that you can do it, Chandira", Shalunia said, rising to her feet. "Your mentor trusted you and so do I."

Chandira looked the elf. She wanted to plead her to stay, and wanted to prove that she could be as brave as Shalunia thought her to be.

"Is there anything you need? Do you want my sword or bow?" Shalunia offered. "I’ll leave all the food with you, and my fur too."

"I need you to come back safe – letter or no", Chandira answered taking few steps closer, hesitating to hug the elf. "I need you with me."


Probably next part will be up at the end of the week!
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.8 5/05

Postby she_flame » Fri May 09, 2014 1:34 am

If everything goes as planned, this story will be 15 part or so. Enjoy!


Part nine: “More complications”

Only few hours had passed since Shalunia went to get Chandira’s message back, and left Chandira herself to take care of sick dryad-child they found. In that time Fanella’s fever had spiked again, and Chandira had tried to get the child sleeping, but Fanella had insisted to being awake for she was having nightmares. So Chandira told Draenei fables to her.

"And so the wise Elekk defeated the furious Warp stalker with his patience. Which is why there is a saying of ‘patient as an elekk’", Chandira finished her third tale, hoping that Fanella had finally fallen asleep. But no…

"You making ‘elekk’ up. No such beast anywhere", Fanella protested. "No ‘warp stalkers’ either."

Chandira sighed. “No, these forests are void of elekks, but in my homeland they were plenty.”

"Chandira sad? Sound sad."

"Yes, I am sad", Chandira admitted. She missed still sorely Vyenna’s precence, and now Shalunia was away, too. "I miss my own people, and my home-" Chandira silenced suddenly.

She had noticed too-familiar imp was sitting near-by. Chandira couln’t move, and didn’t know what to do.

"Hello my pretties", imp greeted. "Enjoying your freedom without she-warrior telling what to do?"

"No, Shalunia is nice, and she is not that bossy or strict", Chandira defended her friend.

"Too bad she left you all alone here", imp laughed and leaped up, moving besides the little dryad.

"You are tenacious one, still alive after all this time."

Fanella shuffled up and away from the imp. “Nasty! Bad! No touch!”, she cried.

"Do not dare to touch her!", Chandira said to the imp. "Are you alright? He cannot hurt you", she addressed Fanella, hoping she could keep the promise.

"Mistress touch, mistress hurts!" Fanella cried, and imp laughed again. "My Mistress curse hurts, that’s true. And you cannot do anything but slowly suffer and wither away."

Chandira stiffened. “She is cursed? This is magic and no ordinary sickness?”

"Of course it’s magic", imp snorted.

Without thinking Chandira acted – she seized the imp, and despite creature’s struggles kept her hold.

"Your Mistress cursed this dryad child?" she pressed.

"Yes! Let me go, as none of us can’t do nothing to it anymore!", imp shouted. "She will die!"

Fanella looked up at Chandira. “Fanella sick, Fanella die? Bad demon no lying?” she asked quietly.

Long moment Chandira stared Fanella, and could not answer. How could she tell the girl that imp was speaking the thruth?

"Let me go, you stupid cow!", imp cried, trying to twist out of Chandira’s hands. "You all are doomed, dryad will die, my Mistress will kill the elf, and you’ll starve to your death!"

"No!", Chandira denied with anger. "I will not let you harm her or Shalunia!"

As an answer, imp bit Chandira’s hand.

Reacting with insticts, Chandira released a surge of Light.

She let the stunned demon fall off her lap, and reached towards Fanella.

"Fanella, the imp was not lying, but it was wrong. You will not die. Even if I cannot lift the curse, I can keep you alive untill we will find someone who is more experienced with commanding powers of Light than I am", Chandira said firmly.

Fanella nodded. “Fanella no die.”

Chandira petted gently dryad’s hair. “All will be fine, little one”, she assured, and consentrated to deliberatedly ward off the curse with her gifts of healing.

Neither of them noticed to the imp wake up, and tardily crawl out of the campsite.

Soon Fanella seemed to feel better. “No hurt anymore!”, dryad told with bright voice. “Warm hands help! Chandi help!”

"I am glad I could ease your pains, little one", Chandira answered, but she was still worried. Curse was not lifted, and if there was any truth on imp’s treaths, Shalunia would be in great danger.

"Fanella, we will be leaving after Shalunia. We have to reach her before she encounters the Mistress", Chandira said, and Fanella nodded. "Help the sentinel. Yes."


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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.9 5/09

Postby jemlovecraft » Wed May 14, 2014 8:44 am

Oh no D: Things are getting really tense. I hope Shalunia and Fanella are okay! But I think that Chandira can save them.
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.9 5/09

Postby she_flame » Thu May 15, 2014 12:53 am

Got some time to post this! Enjoy!


Part ten: Fanella’s Story

After the imp’s visit, Chandira gathered their few belongins, and readied herself and Fanella for travel. She was determined to find Shalunia on time and warn her for danger she is in.

"I think I will carry you, so we will travel faster", Chandira said, as she picked the dryad up. "We have to be fast, as I am not a tracker, and only Shalunia knew where the imp and it’s Mistress were encamped."

Fanella started squirming, and Chandira sighed. “Fanella, please.”

"But Fanella help! I know place!" child told brightly.

Chandira looked Fanella. “Are you saying you know where Shalunia is going? That you can show us how to reach there?”

Fanella nodded. “Yes. Fanella knows. I tell! Whole thing, I tell!”

"No, just-" But Fanella already started, not minding Chandira’s protests.

"Earlier, more snow. I at home forest, not here."

"I alone, but then saw little bad-demon."

"It run, and it carry something."

"Fanella curious. Want to see what it has, where is going."

"So I follow, goes north."

"Follow more, more north."

"Until comes here. Not here-here, but near-here."

"Mistress there. See her. She not-elf."

"Demon give the thing her. She say something."

"I too far, not hear. Go more near."

"Climb up, see better, hear better now."

"Clim up, but no. Little demon see Fanella! But I not fear, just curious."

"Mistress get up. Says ‘come down, little fey’. I say ‘want to see the thing’. She say ‘what thing? You mean the scroll?’ "

"I want to say, ‘yes, that thing’. But imp come and try to hold Fanella down. Mistress says ‘Bring her down here, Voch’."

"I don’t want go down. Not want to see the scroll-thing anymore. Fanella try to flee. Misteress yelling. Little demon yelling."

"I fall down, not groud. But so Mistress can touch. She say something, and her hand burn, like fever. Like fire. I remember no more."

Fanella halted her tale, and looked up at Chandira. “Then sentinel is there, and you.” Dryad smiles. “And Fanella feel better now.”

Chandira shook her head, She knew, she should rebuke Fanella for her recklessness, but she could not. Instead she asked, “Are you sure that you can take us there, where Mistress and the imp were?” Fanella nodded. “Fanella knows.”

"Then, we have to go. I will carry you, and you tell where to"; Chandira said, adjusting the dryad child on better position. Fanella let out excited shriek. "That way! That way we go!" And Chandira started walking letting the child guide her.

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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|pt.10 5/15

Postby Eseme » Thu May 15, 2014 10:14 am

Oh dear, the sprite is vary reckless! I hope they get there in time.

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