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Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 12/04!!

Tales of love, death and more angst than you can shake a stick at - plus some comedy thrown in for good measure.

Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby Eseme » Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:15 pm

Her hooves! I think this is the first time we have seen her hooves. So cute

Your dolls look like they are straight out of the game. Great costumes and beautiful settings.

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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby she_flame » Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:40 pm

^^ Thanks! I am happy if my dolls share likeness to game characters/models. After all, they have been the inspiration for most of my dolls - and every doll in the story here.

And problem with Chandira's long skirts is lack of visible hooves. ^^; Maybe her next outfit will show them better?
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby Trethowan » Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:17 pm

Nice job! As always, I love the completion of your scenes. Costume, setting, and characterization is all so well done.
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby she_flame » Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:36 am

Bit shorter than normally, but still...


"Need for co-operation"

While Shalunia’s unexpected arrival had turned into fistfight, Grundis and Voch captured frightened Chandira…

Two pairs of sharp elven ears picked out draenei’s wordless cry, and both brawlers stopped immediately.

"Did you hear that, too?" Shalunia asked, looking around. "It sounded like Chandira…"

Winterleaf nodded. “It probably was her”, druid confirmed.

"She is in trouble!" Shalunia said, standing up. "I need to go!"

And with that she took running. “Wait”, Winterleaf called after her, but she didn’t slow down. He sighed as he rose to his feet, and ran after her.

Quickly Shalunia followed Chadira’s tracks to the empty clearing.

"Chandira!" she called. "Where is she?" Shalunia looked around, not seeing the girl anywhere.

"Calm down, sentinel", Winterleaf told her. "She cannot have just vanished in thin air. There must be more tracks."

Druid knelt down to search the ground more closely, and Shalunia followed his example.

"Look, there!" Winterleaf noticed.

"It is the trinket from her hair!" Shalunia confirmed. "And these footprints here are not hers. One pair of boot-clad feet and a pair of really small bare…" Her words faded, as the thought hit her.

"I know to whom these belong." She looked to Winterleaf. "The small tracks are done by an imp. And other pair is from dwarven boots."

"Are you saying that Bouldershied-dwarf was here?"

Shalunia nodded. Reverently she picked the piece of jewelry from the ground clutching it in her hand..

"I must find Chandira. And soon."

"Yes, you are right. I think they might have been after the artefact", druid agreed. "But if they took Chandira, she will play the part of sacrifice the disc was describing."

Shalunia stood up. “The ruins she spoke about! I must hurry!”

"Do not rush off, yet sentinel Moonshadow", Winterleaf spoke. "I know your opinion of me is not high. But let me help you finding her." He paused, and then continued quietly. "I do care about her, even if her heart belongs to you."

Shalunia stared the druid long while.

"I accept your help, Winterleaf", she finally said. "Now, get up! We must move swiftly!"

No further words were exhanged, as the elves set forth. The feud between them was set aside, as the common goal united them.

I will continue as soon as I find next place to shoot the photos. ^^; I need the ruins. xD
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby Trethowan » Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:45 pm

Aha! good luck finding a great setting. I bought a green screen. Going to try my hand at something fancy!
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby she_flame » Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:48 pm

Thanks! I may have spotted good location, but it's local graveyard. So I'm not sure if I have nerve to go there to take doll pictures. :D

And I'd love to see some green-screen pics!
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby Trethowan » Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:47 am

she_flame wrote:Thanks! I may have spotted good location, but it's local graveyard. So I'm not sure if I have nerve to go there to take doll pictures. :D

And I'd love to see some green-screen pics!

I hear ya! I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm entirely too embarrassed to take my dolls anywhere in public. My face turns red and I sort of freeze up. I did it once but it was with other doll people and I thought I was going to die. It's a bit silly. My new backyard would be perfect for my next photostory and it's even in the woods, mostly, but I can't seem to bring myself to truck my dolliehs out there for a photoshoot. I'd rather buy backdrops and a green screen. hahaha... Trethowan is a cooowwarrdddd...

The graveyard DOES sound cool, though. Very cool.
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:54 pm

Hope you find somewhere soon (or pluck up the courage to use the graveyard - maybe wait til Halloween is over (if halloween in Finland is likely to attract kids to graveyards more than on a normal day) - looking forward to the next installment!

Any atmosphere my local graveyard may have had is utterly spoiled for me by a) the outside church being restored (well, just cleaned and subsequently maintained) back to it's Victorian (there's bits of it that date back to Saxon times) yellow-cemented glory and b) the mushroom grave. The inscription on the mushroom grave is intended to warn people about the dangers of eating unidentified mushrooms (it marks a family grave, who died from eating the wrong sort of mushrooms), and would be a lot more sad if the person who came up with the inscription hadn't made it sound like something Edward Gorey might have written.

Trethowan - I keep meaning to get a green screen - I'm very interested to see how your photos (and subsequent editing) work out!
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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 10/13/14

Postby she_flame » Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:28 am

Not yet the one with graveyard/ruins.


"Cast aside for a reward?"

"Now we have the Key and a Sacrifice to deliver to Master Istyros. Tell him that he should summon three, as we have a guest."

The force of summoning spell had rendered Chandira unconscious. Grundis noticed this, but didn’t care. “What a weakling she is”, dwarf said.

"You really seem to succeeded on this", Istyros greeted his minions. "But let me be clear: the Key is more important than The Sacrifice. So, did you bring the Key?"

Grundis stared the satyr, offended. “Of course, Master. We got the Key back!” she huffed.

She pointed the disc, still on Chandira’s loose grip. “Look, there it is!”

Istyros knelt down. “Well done, Grundis. I am pleased with you”, satyr said. But Grundis could see his attention was directed on their captive.

The satyr leaned closer to unconscious girl, and sniffed deep. “She reeks of Light”, Istyros said aloud and inhaled again. “She’s… perfect.” There was something almost reverent on his tones.

"Better be", Grundis muttered darkly.

Voch smirked. “Jealous, are we?”

"Shut up, imp", she snapped.

Istyros ignored the bickering, and picked the disc from Chadira’s hands. “Yes, finally”, he whispered, and put the artifact securely in folds of his clothing.

And with unexpected gentleness he gathered supine Chandira to his arms.

"Master!" Grundis exclaimed. "What are you doing with her?"

"We cannot just left her lying here, can we?" satyr answered. "Eventually she’ll wake up and flee, if we do", he continued dryly. "And then you’d have to find another one."

"Yes, Master, of course", she said surly, and turned away – pointedly not looking as her Master carried Chandira away, leaving dwarf and imp alone.

Grudis sat back down. “I hate her”, she said.

"Poor Mistress", Voch replied. "Be careful that Master doesn’t keep her", imp teased.

"He cannot keep her", she countered. "She will be the Sacrifice we need to open the Gate."

Voch leaned on Grundis.” Yeah. Opening the Gate. What a brilliant idea.” Imp turned its head to look Grundis. “It’s not. A. Brilliant. Idea!” it hissed.

"Shut up, Voch. You don’t have anything to say on this", Grundis said, and slapped the imp. "Master promised me as much magical powers I can imagine, and then some when we get the Gate open."

"And you believe him?" little demon shook it’s head.

"Listen, Mistress", Voch said carefully. "Beyond that Gate is a servant of Old Gods – a monster worse than anything you can think of. And you still believe that somehow you’ll get some magic from it?"

Grundis fell silent for a while. “Master would not lie to me.” She shook her head, and continued. “I am his student. He- he would not…” Her words faded.

"Yeah. Like I thought", Voch agreed.

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Re: Adventures in Azeroth (WoW themed)|New! 11/06/14

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:54 am

Oooh! *munches popcorn* Is Grundis about to have second thoughts?
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