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Lovely to Meet You!

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Lovely to Meet You!

Postby Wispalian » Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:10 am

Hello! It's so lovely to finally have joined the Sanctuary! You all seem like such nice, crazy dollieh lovers. I think we shall get along well. ^^
Umm, a bit on me, right. I started out collecting dolls probably...two years ago. I started with Monster High, but I gave up on that after a few months after I has abysmal luck with knee joints breaking in that line. -sniff- Then I went into the fashion doll collector's world a bit with a Tonner, then an IT Dynamite Girl, a BEGoth and finally a J-doll. I thought they were gorgeous, but I never really felt a special connection with any of them. Well, aside from the BEGoth girl who came broken out of the box and after failed attempts at fixing her ultimately had to be thrown out! :cry: I slowly sold them off or gave them away one by one (a bit like dollieh 'And Then There Were None').

Then, ooh but then, I found artist animal dolls! My first artist creature I bought is still my favourite: an Antlered Snek by Homemade Horrors! After that I had a dollieh epiphany and knew that I wanted to have an animal dollieh collection, especially fantasy critters! I currently just have two dolliehs: the aforementioned Snekius and a small deer doll by Silverbeam who I painted up with fawn spots(despite it having massive antlers and therefore spots not really being the most realistic colouring :P). I have one very special dollieh being custom made for me right now which will probably get here early next year, who I am very excited for. Right now I'm in the process of exploring and finding all of the artists and companies I can who make animal dolliehs; it has been time consuming but really interesting! I'm oddly enough not really into anthros, so I focus on the dolliehs that look entirely like animals...even if those animals do not actually exist. Actually, especially if those animals do not actually exist! Unicorns!!!

I've always been quieter and grew up on a farm. I felt much more comfortable with most animals than people, so it makes a lot of sense that I took this route in collecting, even if it is a little more unusual. I hope this is okay, as it is a little different. No articulated vegetable dolls yet though. :lol:

...Why does everything I write end up so massive? Anyways, it's really nice to meet you all! ^^
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Re: Lovely to Meet You!

Postby Nella » Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:17 pm

Welcome to Dollieh Sanctuary!

I'm much more familllar with anthro dolls, particularly ball-jointed ones, but I've seen animals before too. Eve Studio makes rabbits, cats, dogs, dragons and spiders. Curato, a Russian doll maker, has made dragons and polecats in the past. There is a French artist, whose name escapes me at the moment, who makes sharks and fish. Cats and dogs seem to be the most popular though. :)
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Re: Lovely to Meet You!

Postby Wispalian » Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:23 pm

Thank you! ^^

Yeah, anthros seem to be a lot more common than full-on animals, oddly enough. Lots of people love them, so it makes sense. :) Eve Studio is beyond amazing! I don't think I'll probably ever be able to afford one of their dolls, but such eye candy! *.* Ooh, is the French artist's name something like Tendres Chimeres? I never knew I had a need for a Hammerhead Shark BJD until I saw her dolls. I've never heard of Curato! That sounds really awesome, I love dragons! Thanks!
Right now I'm seriously eyeing Camellia Dynasty's BJD pets. The pony with the unicorn horn option is calling to me...
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Re: Lovely to Meet You!

Postby maywong » Sat Dec 06, 2014 8:48 pm

Hi and welcome.
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Re: Lovely to Meet You!

Postby Wispalian » Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:10 pm

Thanks! ^^
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Re: Lovely to Meet You!

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:50 pm

Welcome :)
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Re: Lovely to Meet You!

Postby Wispalian » Sat Dec 06, 2014 11:51 pm

Thank you! ^^
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