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Puppet Lovers?

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Puppet Lovers?

Postby quidam » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:48 am

So, does anyone out there have a love for puppets?
I've always been fascinated with puppets and puppetry. It's what got me into ball jointed dolls, as they really are just fancy puppets if you think about it.

If you have any, I'd love to see them! Here's my hoard:

My first love: the Wrinkles dog, an 80's quintessential toy! He held up very well considering how much play and abuse he took.

Okie the dragon

Horatio. He was converted to a puppet from an old carnival prize that my mom picked up for 50 cents at a yard sale. He's about 6 feet long!

Eustace, because everyone needs a sock puppet!

Harold the cat.

Assorted shelf: kid's marionettes, monster finger puppets, and the hastily slapped together Frazzie. Someday I'll remake him properly so he's more attractive.

And, lastly, my girl Eppie. She's fairly awesome. She stands at over 3 feet tall, has moving ears, blinks, and has live arm sleeves so her hands are usable. She's the one that the kids really love!
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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby DollyKim » Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:24 am

Not much ;) I have two Wrinkles somewhere. And I got to see a certain little something called Puppet Up for my birthday a few years ago. There's a link to an uncensored page for those not at work http://dolfielittles.com/pup.html

And a bit of video for those who want to see what things really look like http://youtu.be/LIrksnUKfFg
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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby thisstrangeforest » Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:06 am

omigosh I haven't seen a wrinkles in forever. I wonder if my mom still has mine.
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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby SillyLilPuppet » Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:50 pm

There's a reason for my username ;) Though the obsession is more for marionettes and some of the more elaborate Jim Henson creationsn (Dark Crystal and Labyrinth are my crack <3). Been trying to make a 'shoulder buddy' type of critter like the ones usually sold at ren fairs, though so far getting the engineering right so it does all that I want has me stumped.
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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby quidam » Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:04 pm

DollyKim: I've always wished I could do improv to the extent that they can. That takes skill even without puppets involved. I love writing scripts, or embellishing an already made one, but to keep up everything on the fly? *sigh* I nosedive into the seriously weird and amusing only to me rather quickly. Even the puppets end up confused....

Silly- Do you mean Woodbabies? I've been drooling over them for years, but don't quite like her aesthetics. There isn't a whole bunch out there on how to make them, sadly.
Jim Henson really is the biggest hero of the hobby, isn't he? My dream is to be let loose in the creatures workshop someday. Highly unlikely to happen, but I can dream, can't I?
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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby DollyKim » Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:18 pm

To my knowledge the Hensens will train you, if you're over 18. Before Puppet Up the Muppeteers weren't doing improv and the improv people had never touched puppets.

Dave Goltz, (Gonzo etc) Richard Hunt (Scooter etc), and Steve Whitmere (Rizzo, Kermit etc) started off as fans. One of the newest members of the tribe started off with a web show. It's all about commitment. I'd be there if I hadn't messed up my trapezes muscle in a fall.
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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby quidam » Sat Jul 30, 2011 5:23 pm

DollyKim- I thought it was hard to even get looked at by the Henson group. Perhaps I'll look more into it.
I don't think I'd want to be a Muppeteer, but to have a chance to train under them would be wonderful.

In the mean time: these kids aren't mine, but are currently having a sleepover at my home so I can repair them. They were left on the floor before a basement flood. Yay. I'm also trying to give them more personality, as they were very generic looking. The girls are mostly done, but the boy is still kinda...ummmmm....well, he needs a personality to say the least.

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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:54 pm

Oh my gosh that Wrinkles dog is so cute!

I have some oddball puppets. I have a little Spanish man I got from a trip to Mexico, a Chinese dragon from a second-hand store, and a pink bird looking thing from a state fair. I've been eying the Muppet What-Nots. I think puppets can be a lot of fun. :D
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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby SillyLilPuppet » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:11 pm

Quidam: The local variety is by a place called Imaginarium I think?
Yep, a quick search and found their website. http://www.imaginariumgalleries.com/imaginarium/ They have a very neat little shop at the PA Renaissance Faire, with a mini-gallery of their puppet work. In theory the movements on their 'drabbits' are simple, but I gotta overcomplicate things and want to make one that blinks and moves its mouth. The baby dragon puppets I have from them are controlled with bicycle brakes, its kinda clever and simple.
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Re: Puppet Lovers?

Postby Lokiholic » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:18 pm

I love puppets. <3 I want to get a Whatnot soooooooooooooo bad.
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