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All my minis (so far)!

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All my minis (so far)!

Postby Stormlight » Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:07 am

Just did this on another forum (Resinality), so I figured I'd just copy/paste to this one! heh heh

Bios of all my minis. Eventually, I'll add my SDs and tinies, as well. :mrgreen:

1) What's your mini's name?
2) Company and mold?
Luts minifee elf Shiwoo on Fairyland active line body

3) Any special customizations?
He's got Fairyland's event scar arm and hand. His faceup is a custom done by Luts. His body blushing and arm paint are done by Arrowchild.

4) Tell us about your mini's personality and/or background.
Puck has an entire novel being written for him, so bio will be vague as I don't wish to add spoilers to the story that isn't written yet. :mrgreen: He is a younger prince of Faerie who was cursed and his spirit trapped in an enchanted pendant. Any mortal who finds the pendant and reads the inscription on the back releases him, after which he is then bound to give them three wishes. When the wishes are done (or the mortals end up accidentally killing themselves by wishing for something supremely stupid), his spirit is then pulled back into the pendant to wait for the next mortal to come along.

Puck has learned to make the best of his situation, having been stuck like this for several hundred years now. He's a bit cynical and jaded, but he's got a naturally playful personality and likes to tease his current master (a teenaged girl named Annie). He comes across as not very serious and a bit perverted but he does have a serious side and does his best to help Annie, who isn't popular and is bullied by her peers. He's rather fond of her, actually, and despite initial discomfort at suddenly being saddled with a magical "genie", Annie is growing to like him, too. This is a good thing, as she (through a stroke of fortune) as ended up with a limitless supply of wishes, which pretty much ensures she'll be saddled with him for the rest of her life.


1) What's your mini's name?
2) Company and mold?
Dollmore Kid tanned Paran

3) Any special customizations?

4) Tell us about your mini's personality and/or background.
Momo doesn't have much of a background. I bought her to be the Lolita girl who wears all the frilly, lacy clothes that my other mini girls don't wear. She's sweet and shy, loves tea parties and stuffed animals, and Kana is her best friend.


1) What's your mini's name?
2) Company and mold?
Hujoo Action Doll Sara

3) Any special customizations?

4) Tell us about your mini's personality and/or background.
My other frilly girl. She's very shy and quiet, a bit of a loner because she's afraid of being teased due to her abilities. She's a seer of sorts, but her visions are never very clear. But she gets along well with Momo, whom she considers her best friend.

1) What's your mini's name?
Rory O'Bannion
2) Company and mold?
Iplehouse JID Ryan

3) Any special customizations?

4) Tell us about your mini's personality and/or background.
Again, not much background developed yet. Rory is kind of quiet and shy. He's a baby-faced sixteen year old and gets teased a bit because his face is so cute and girly-looking, which doesn't fit his big body at all.


1) What's your mini's name?
Thistle and Piper
2) Company and mold?
Luts Kid Delf Cherry elf, boy and girl

3) Any special customizations?
Thistle (left) has custom faceup by CherryStreet Sera on DOA.

4) Tell us about your mini's personality and/or background.

Thistle and Piper are twin elves, very rare in faerie. They're being raised by Journey, their guardian, who has unofficially adopted them. They also have a younger "adopted" sister named Rowan, who is Journey's niece. They aren't sure where their parents are, but don't really remember them anyway. They have each other and that's all they need.

Thistle is the younger twin and is shy and quiet, a real bookworm. Sort of serious and mature for his age. Very much like a shorter version of Journey, actually. He adores his "older" sister and often lets her talk/bully him into stuff, which isn't necessarily a good thing as Piper can be a bit of a troublemaker. He just can't seem to tell her no, though, even when he knows he's likely to get in trouble because of her.

Piper is Thistle's complete opposite. Brash and adventurous, couldn't care less about consequences, but is very good at talking herself out of trouble again. She doesn't MEAN to be a bad girl, she just likes to do what she likes to do. She'll read a book every once in awhile, but would rather be outside running around than stuck inside studying magic or whatnot. She wears her brother's clothes more than her own, as it's hard to climb trees and wade rivers in long dresses. She doesn't mind practicing magic, though (which Journey frowns on as she rarely studies the spells before attempting to perform them, which can end up with mixed results). She's very jealous of Thistle making friends with other children, especially other girls. But she gets along pretty well with them, as long as they aren't trying to take Thistle away from her. She has a bit of a crush on Journey, who is very calm and kind (like a grown-up version of her brother), and takes her shenanigans in stride. He never yells but she hates it when he scolds her, which is why she at least tries to behave when he's around.

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