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How's everybody doing?

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How's everybody doing?

Postby Kattriella » Tue Mar 24, 2020 9:03 pm

Just wondering how everybody is doing during the insanity that surrounds us. I know a lot of places are essentially on lockdown, and I believe there's talk where I live about enforcing a curfew. I'm very lucky to be working in a store deemed "essential", so we're going to be allowed to stay open and our delivery drivers and vendors allowed to pass through, even if we go into quarantine, but I know most people in my tiny interstate town aren't so lucky. Most of the fast food places are trying to stay open via the drive though, and the pizza places are still doing deliveries, but sit down, family style restaurants are suffering because people don't want to gather together anywhere, even if they're allowed to. Hotels and motels are being hot hard too, and nobody knows what to do with themselves. I thought maybe we could all gather here in cyberspace and talk/rant/vent at least, and maybe talk about how we're staying busy (and sane).
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby Kirahfaye » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:12 am

Last week my husband was considered "essential" even though the state universities sent all the students home. This week he's working from home because not only does he have certain medical conditions, so do 3 other members of our household (particularly my 85 yo mother).

I do worry about our local, small businesses. I made my husband buy a gift card from our favorite coffee house because they are suffering. This is a hard time for a lot of people and if any of you are among those financially or medically affected, just know that there are charitable, private and government resources available to you.

Most importantly - don't go out in public unless you need to, for groceries and the like. Don't risk your health or the health of others. Stay home, if you can. Stay safe. Play with your dolls! :)
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby Kattriella » Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:39 am

I'm not so much worried about myself getting sick, as my immune system was forged in the fires of Hades when I worked back of the house for a restaurant in a dishroom and came home covered in other people's chewed up food, drinks, and on occasion a dirty diaper because people are gross, but I AM worried about exposing other people to it if I come into contact with someone who either has it or has been exposed to it, so I went in twenty minutes early the other day, around 40 minutes before the store opened, to deep clean and sanitize every surface I could, and I've been encouraging my coworkers to sanitize things between customers, when possible. A lot of our customers are elderly, and the last thing I want is for one of them to get sick.
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby Trethowan » Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:11 pm

Things are good here. I'm enjoying homeschool so far. The teachers have been outstanding and have prepared take-home work to last through April. Dorothy's teacher has been recording all of her lessons and it's absolutely precious! It's amazing what they've done in so short a time to keep the kids on track. The kids are stir crazy but we're planning out work, projects, and getting enough outdoors time to make up for not seeing any friends in two weeks. I am breaking my TV rule though and allowing more screen time. Blippi is about to drive me bonkers! hahaha

I hope you guys are all doing well and staying safe.

I finished *finally* one of the tiny vinyl dragon dolls but haven't taken any photos. For shame!
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby kenaiqueen » Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:07 pm

We are staying home as much as possible. I'm 67 and DH is 75 so we are prime to be hit hard if we get it. Not as many cases where we live in rural (not Bush!) Alaska, but some the next town over. My library job closed over a week ago and I have 2 weeks of pay they have granted everyone, but after that, it will be unpaid leave. And I will stay on unpaid leave until the WHO and the CDC say it's safe, even if it costs me my job. It's part-time, 14 hrs a week and I still have social security at the moment, so if I have to quit, I will. My DH & my health are more important.

Doing mostly house work, getting rid of stuff at the moment, but working on my doll encyclopedia/list of what I own. I love to read, write, sew, craft, make jewelry and color, so basically I love being a hermit. The DH is going stir crazy but we have the dog to help keep him busy. For the last two days, he binge-watched Hunters on Amazon prime. He also has to go to Physical Therapy for his knee replacement he just got in Dec (his 3rd on the same knee!) but the Gov. just cut that to one day a week that they can stay open. He'll be hurting if it gets shut down for a while tho. We have an exercise cycle for him at least.

The worst part of this for me, besides the fear and anxiety, is the DH keeps bugging me and not letting me do my own thing! Okay, okay...I'll go thru more boxes and throw more stuff out...sheesh!
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Wed Mar 25, 2020 3:32 pm

The entertainment places in my area would be temporarily closed. Work and school in my neck of the planet has been allow to go on with precautions. I'm a little wary of going to certain location for shoots since its the school holidays and folks who aren't able to leave the country for day trips had to go somewhere at least.

My family and I have existing medical conditions hence my caution.

So now I'm doing more indoors shoots, craft projects and further farming on Fate Grand Order.

You guys take care.
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby victoriavictrix » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:28 pm

I've been working from home since before 1998 and my job doesn't entail much contact with other people except via phone and email. The Lost Boys who live with us have taken it upon themselves to be the interface between us and the world, and we are not "allowed" out, which is driving Larry stir crazy, since he likes to wander around stores for hours.
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby DollyKim » Thu Mar 26, 2020 5:02 am

My impoverished limited food upbringing with limited human contact outside the home. a genetic predisposition to hoard things like books, movies, and other things my ADHSquirrel is interested in, the weather around here, and all the times we've been without a working car have long prepared me to play quarantine. My monetary situation is secure.

Staying home, doing creative stuff, and posting it on the internet is my job so...

And I assure you, that canned commodity meat in juices is fit for human consumption.
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby maywong » Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:22 am

I have quarantine myself these last 2 weeks and been taking meds. for my sinus infection.
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Re: How's everybody doing?

Postby Stormlight » Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:33 am

My company is considered essential (plastics manufacturing for the batteries used in vehicles including emergency and military vehicles). So I’m at work every day. Thank goodness because I can’t afford to not work.

I’m trying to avoid stores as much as possible but I’m pretty low on a lot of necessities like toothpaste and deodorant so gonna have to brave Ghettoma ... uh, I mean Walmart after work today. Wish me luck.
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