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Cleaning Glue Off Doll Eyes?

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Cleaning Glue Off Doll Eyes?

Postby magkelly » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:55 pm

I have about a dozen pairs of acrylic doll eyes that I rescued off some porcelains someone gave me that were not in great shape otherwise. I scavenged the wigs, the doll lashes the eyes et all. They are flat back ovals, various sizes and I thought I'd use them for other dolls at some point. Maybe a BJD if I ever do get one. It probably wouldn't show when they are in but some have a lot of glue around the edges and I'd like it off, nice and neat so I can use putty instead. I don't want to dull out the eyes by using acetone. Been there by accident once, not good. Would hot water or a hair dryer work without hurting the eyes? Help me peel it all off? I got some off but I'd like to get it all off. I might swap a few pairs at some point as I won't need them all and I can't see people wanting to unless they're really clean. Thanks!
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Re: Cleaning Glue Off Doll Eyes?

Postby famedglory » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:06 pm

If they're glass you could try Goo Gone. You can find it in most general stores or here: http://www.amazon.com/Homax-Oz-Goo-Gone ... s=goo+gone

I don't know how this would react with acrylics.
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Re: Cleaning Glue Off Doll Eyes?

Postby SetsunaKou » Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:57 am

I've used tea tree oil to remove stains/glues from acrylic eyes before and they're always fine (not dulled).

Maybe you could try it on a pair of the eyes you're not that fond of, to test if it's safe with your acrylics. ^^


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Re: Cleaning Glue Off Doll Eyes?

Postby magkelly » Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:39 am

Thanks. I've been kind of derailed by the whole tooth out thing. I've had teeth out before but this one didn't go nearly as well. I was sick and in real pain for a week and I'm still not really up to much dollwise as yet. I'm thinking a hair dryer might do it to soften it so I can pull it off and I mean to try it soon.
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