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Why is my wig cap staining my dolls head?

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Why is my wig cap staining my dolls head?

Postby sailor_ashes » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:19 am

Hello everyone! :)

My poor obitsu girl Leelu is in bad shape. :( Not only is her arm broken, her wig stained her forehead! I took her wig off and tried to wipe her head down, but it didn't work. :( So I decided to just put her wig cap back on. But I took it off earlier today and her head is even more stained! I can't believe it! She has a silicone wig cap and it is still staining her head. I don't understand, I thought they were supposed to prevent staining from wigs! How could this have happened, does anyone know? And I plan on buying a pukifee, what can I do to prevent this from happening to her precious head? :<

When I get home I'll take some pics and post them up!

Re: Why is my wig cap staining my dolls head?

Postby Greyhaunt » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:32 am

Well, I don't know much about silicone caps, but it is a fact that wig caps can stain a doll's head. The plus side to this is that since the doll is wearing a wig 99% of the time it's not going to be noticeable. Since obitsu heads are vinyl they are 200% more vulnerable to staining than resin. I've found that if I even LOOK at my obitsu in an offcolor way they stain >< At least it is in a place where it won't be seen much (unlike right in the middle of my doll's stomach).

One way to minimize this now and in the future is to simply take the wig and wash it in your sink in warm (not boiling) water with detergent until the water runs clear. Might take a while depending on how much "loose" dye is in the wig cap, but eventually it will run clear. Just wash, and rinse, wash and rinse...etc... Anytime you get a wig that has a colored wig cap this is probably a good procedure.

As for your Pukifee - while it may stain from prolonged exposure I have found that resin stains less easily than vinyl. Just be sure to rinse anything with strong colors and maybe do a vinegar set as well (don't know if that would affect wig hair or not so can't recommend on those).
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Re: Why is my wig cap staining my dolls head?

Postby sailor_ashes » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:43 am

Greyhaunt wrote:Well, I don't know much about silicone caps, but it is a fact that wig caps can stain a doll's head. The plus side to this is that since the doll is wearing a wig 99% of the time it's not going to be noticeable. Since obitsu heads are vinyl they are 200% more vulnerable to staining than resin. I've found that if I even LOOK at my obitsu in an offcolor way they stain >< At least it is in a place where it won't be seen much (unlike right in the middle of my doll's stomach).

One way to minimize this now and in the future is to simply take the wig and wash it in your sink in warm (not boiling) water with detergent until the water runs clear. Might take a while depending on how much "loose" dye is in the wig cap, but eventually it will run clear. Just wash, and rinse, wash and rinse...etc... Anytime you get a wig that has a colored wig cap this is probably a good procedure.

As for your Pukifee - while it may stain from prolonged exposure I have found that resin stains less easily than vinyl. Just be sure to rinse anything with strong colors and maybe do a vinegar set as well (don't know if that would affect wig hair or not so can't recommend on those).

Thank you Greyhaunt, I definitely should have done that before hand! I don't know why I didn't think about it. Do you use fabric wig caps? Or do you use wig caps at all? Lol. :P Even though mohair wigs are adorable, I think I'll just buy synthetic hair wigs from now own so that this doesn't happen anymore.

Re: Why is my wig cap staining my dolls head?

Postby K2! » Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:50 pm

sailor_ashes wrote: Even though mohair wigs are adorable, I think I'll just buy synthetic hair wigs from now own so that this doesn't happen anymore.

Commercial wigs like Monique Gold Label, etc. frequently use a stretchy base cap, which the hair is attached to. These caps are frequently dyed the color of the hair so as not to show through thin spots. These dyed caps are often a cause of head staining, especially with dark or strong colors. So buying synthetic wigs is not going to solve a head staining issue. A silicone cap will provide a barrier to slow the staining process but will not stop it completely. In time these dyes can migrate through protective caps and stain dollieh heads. The same thing goes for body suits.
The only sure fire way to prevent such staining is to remove the wig (or clothing) when the doll isn't being played with.
Well that's no fun! When she's sitting on the shelf everyday and I look at her, I don't want to see a nekkid bald doll! You could consider a light or natural colored wig like a blond or very (very) pale brown, a wig which the base cap hasn't been dyed.
Or you can accept the fact that dollieh heads (vinyl or resin) will become stained (except the bald ones) from their lovely locks and keep their wigs on to cover up these stains.
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Re: Why is my wig cap staining my dolls head?

Postby Greyhaunt » Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:46 pm

Oh - it's a mohair wig! Are you talking actual mohair skin or mohair sewn onto a fabric base? My advice about washing is definitely meant for fabric wig caps - washing a mohair sking wig is NOT a good idea unless you know how to deal properly with the skin. I'm given to understand (although I can certainly be corrected) that the skins can get stiff and unflexible if wet too much.

If it's a mohair wig, what you might want to try doing is making an extra "undercap" of some undyed muslin or maybe t-shirt fabric and just keep an eye on that. When it starts to look like dye is coming through - replace it with a new one.

Since I tend to root the hair in my 26cm dolls I haven't had this sort of problem - and I've only used mohair wigs on my resin dolls.
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Re: Why is my wig cap staining my dolls head?

Postby sailor_ashes » Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:36 am

Greyhaunt wrote:Oh - it's a mohair wig! Are you talking actual mohair skin or mohair sewn onto a fabric base? My advice about washing is definitely meant for fabric wig caps - washing a mohair sking wig is NOT a good idea unless you know how to deal properly with the skin. I'm given to understand (although I can certainly be corrected) that the skins can get stiff and unflexible if wet too much.

If it's a mohair wig, what you might want to try doing is making an extra "undercap" of some undyed muslin or maybe t-shirt fabric and just keep an eye on that. When it starts to look like dye is coming through - replace it with a new one.

Since I tend to root the hair in my 26cm dolls I haven't had this sort of problem - and I've only used mohair wigs on my resin dolls.

I think the mohair wig I bought was sewn onto the skin, I'm not completely sure though- they don't specify anywhere. D: But thank you for the advice, that is a great idea! I'll definitely do that once I put her wig back on her, haha~

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